Friday, May 13, 2011

4/22/11: Tune in Tokyo Pop Punk Event

On Wednesday I went to Royal T with Jade to just kinda hang out. It was an excuse to get dressed up XD I drove over to Jade's house and arrived around 7. She changed out of what she was originally wearing so we could match XD

Her momma drove us there. We went past it at first cause I didn't recognize it. The windows had art all on the front. Better just look for the crown next time. We got some iced machiattos which I'm still suffering from the effects of (stayed up til 3, woke up at 8 LOL). I think that's what my time at Otis is gonna be like D:

That machiatto was sooo bitter.
 We were early so after out drinks we walked around and ended up hanging out in a room with a creepy video playing.The chairs in there were really nice.

Mandie walked by and saw me so the three of chatted for a little bit before she went off to eat with her group.

I keep blinking in my pictures! D:

Some of the artwork that was being exhibited:

The exhibition was all about faces so some of the works were kinda creepy.

We hung out in the back room after walking around some more. The performance was okay. The girl was very energetic though.

We met with Midori after the performance and were introduced to her friends, Raanen and Matthew.

Made them take a picture together LOL
 Then Matenrou Opera came on screen. It was some sort of photoshoot. We were all kinda 'eh' til Anzi came on screen then we were all *O*


Midori drawing on Raanen's face XD
It was a fun hang out. I think Tune in Tokyo should have a little bit more going on than just music and a fashion contest though. Maybe it'll be better if we can get a bigger group to go next time :3

Camwhorin' before I left home:

+Auf Wiedersehen!+

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