Sunday, July 24, 2011

Anime Day at Suncoast

Today's Anime Day was the most fun in my opinion. A lot of people came :D There was trivia and a karaoke contest.
I went a Ciel again with a bunch of stuff I put together last minute.

Outfit snap: the shirt and collar are from my Valentine's Ciel costume, vest is from Heisuke and shorts and hat are from Halloween Ciel

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

AX 2011: 7/1-7/4

Haha finally! XD Jade and I got another Artist Alley booth this year. I did better this year than last year by 20 bucks lol~ Jade sold a lot for me the last day <3
On to the pics! I didn't take many since I was in Artist Alley most of the time and there weren't many cosplays I actually liked enough ;P
Day 0, Durarara!! group

Jade and her mom at the booth

Jade and I, both as Heisuke